Frequently Asked Questions

Where do I register for RCOY North America?

You can register by clicking here!

Is there a cost to attend RCOY North America?

No! RCOY North America is free and can be accessed virtually. 

Can a participant under 18 attend RCOY North America?

Yes! If you are under 18 years of age, it is advisable to have the parent or legal guardian present with you at the conference. Please contact, as the parent or legal guardian may have to sign a consent form.

Can my friends/family attend too?

We welcome members from different backgrounds, age groups, and experiences to participate in the conference. We encourage members of Indigenous communities, underserved, underrepresented, and marginalized communities, and those who are engaged in, or want to learn about, climate action and the Sustainable Development Goals to join the conference.

RCOY North America is a conference open to all youth under 35 years of age who have registered. Family members can register to attend the conference.

When is the event?

RCOY North America runs from Tuesday, Oct 31 to Wednesday, Nov 1.

Will the sessions be recorded?

To be determined.

Will participants receive a certificate?

Yes! Those who attend may receive a certificate of participation.